Asterix on the Road: a Nomadic Designer’s Toolkit

Packing has never been fun. No matter how many times we travel across the globe, there’s always a mental debate on what stays and what goes.

That said, there are a set of essentials that are absolute no brainers. These are our must-have tools for design on-the-go.

A Nomadic Designer's Toolkit

The mighty (yet small at only 14”) powerhouse that makes it all happen. The Apple Silicon has truly been remarkably fast.

Talk to any illustrator and they’ll shout high praise about this tool. It’s fast and easy to handle in a hammock!

Can’t get too far without this one.

For some sketches, you just can’t beat the mechanical feel.

I still use these for video calls but they also come in especially handy on flights or for headphone splitting on long bus rides!

The genius offspring of a trackpad’s side swiping with the precision click of an external mouse.

Everyone has a bottle that’ll keep their drink cold or hot until the next Ice Age. This is one of those – in a sleek Japanese design.

For those larger and archived files. The USB drive doubles as a tiny Swiss Army Knife in case anyone tries something funny. Huuyyah!!

Mostly incoherent scribblings but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Practical and durable.

Unlimited books in your pocket?! This one’s a no brainer for long and lean trips.

A concoction that’ll put any geriatric’s pill regime to shame.

For runs and solo activities.

My preferred 35mm point & shoot. It’s a joy to shoot with. Plus, the clamshell cover is weatherproof!

Leuchtturm 1917 for daily to-dos mixed in with initial sketches.

Looking for more news insight and happennings?

Showcase your Toronto pride with this 13″x17″ screen-printed poster featuring 44 iconic Toronto locations and happenings. Some are widely recognizable and others are just plain quirky.⁠